Your "Tee shot" landed in the ruff...
Purple Possom's
"outta the ruff"...

Last updated 7/05/2006

picture: golf ball

A golfer was addressing his ball, getting ready to shoot.
As he was about ready to hit, a voice came over the p.a. system...
"Will the gentleman on the ladies tee please move back to the men's tee".
He looked up and then resumed addressing the ball again. The voice again...
"Will the man on the red tees move back to the white tees"!!
He looked back at the starters shack and said,
"Will the man on the p.a. please shut up...
so that the man on the ladies tee can hit his second shot".

"Did ya know?"...
The first Dallas golf course was layed out in a cow pasture,
at Haskell Avenue and Keating Street, in 1896.

Fur some Golf Thoughts
picture: golf bag
a free drop

picture: golf ball git outta the ruff

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